William Clagett

Harriet Sothoron (born about 1754, Prince George’s Co., MD) married, in about 1744 at Piscataway, Prince George's Co., MD, William Clagett (born 25 July 1748 at Rock Creek, Piscataway, PG Co., MD). (Familysearch.org* - Church Records)


Harriet Sothoron married in 1870, (?1775 - "see Census 1776 p.74") William Claggett of Prince George's Co. He was born 25 July1748, died in 1792. She secondly married Col. John Hancock Beanes. (Bowie* :126)

Harriet Sothoron, widow of William Clagett of Piscataway, married on 20 May 1796 Col. John Hancock Beanes. They had issue: Harriet Beanes (born 2 October 1798) married her cousin John Clagett. (Bowie* :664)

1776 Census of Prince George's Co., MD, Pg 74.
- William Clagett  27.1:  Harriet .17

Feee white males 16 - 59....1
under 16....1

William Clagett of Prince George's Co., MD took the Oath of Allegiance, administered by Thos. Clagett, on 22 Jan 1778. (Maryland State Papers)

See daughter's Notes for information from Reno*.

** Inventory of Mr. William Clagett, late of Prince George's Co., MD, dec'd.  (http://GunstonHall.org - Prince George's Co., MD Inventories 1787-1791 :195, Taken 5 Sept 1789, Recorded 28 June 1790)

Inventory of the Goods and Chattels of Mr. William Clagett late of Prince Georges County Deceased taken and appraised in current money of this State rating Spanish Dollars at Seven Shillings and Six pence each this 5th day of September 1789 by us the Subscribers

Deceaseds wareing apparel   £   15. 0. 0
Negro Man Richard 44 years old £70

  Peter 43 Ditto £70 Ben 45 Ditto £70

} 215. 0. 0
Scipio 26 Ditto £75 Jacob 30 Ditto £80

  Jack 25 Ditto £75 Abram 30 Ditto £60

} 290. 0. 0
Will 25 Ditto £50 Edward 18 Ditto £70

  James 18 Ditto £60 Aaron £10

} 190. 0. 0
Negroe Woman Priss 25 years old £60

  Milly 21 Ditto £60 Mary 20 Ditto £60

} 180. 0. 0
Roe 18 Ditto £60 Anneca 30 Ditto £60

  Jenny 50 Ditto £30 Nann 50 Ditto £15

} 165. 0. 0
Annica 25 Ditto £60 Peggy 50 Ditto £30

  Minta 20 Ditto £60 Rose 12 Ditto £30

} 180. 0. 0
Boy Thomas 7 Ditto £35, Adam 5 do 25

  Joseph 5 Ditto £25 Walter 4 Ditto 25

} 110. 0. 0
Moses 2 Ditto £20 Jesse 2 ditto 20   40. 0. 0
Girl Anne 6 Ditto £27 Judah 3 Ditto 20

  Jenny 1 Ditto £15 Fanny 7 Ditto 30

} 92. 0. 0
Lenny 3 Ditto £20 Rachel 2 ditto 18

  Molley 7 ditto £30 Hannah 2 ditto 18

} 86. 0. 0
Leathy 5 months old £10 1 Sorrel Mare 20

  1 Grey Horse 20/ 1 Black Ditto 20

} 13. 0. 0
Bay Mare £9 1 Ditto Horse £9 1 Sorrell

  Horse £15 1 Ditto £15 1 Bay Ditto £12

} 60. 0. 0
1 Ditto Horse £12 1 Ditto £13 1 Sorrel

   Ditto £10 1 Black Mare £3

} 38. 0. 0
1 Black Mare & Colt £12 1 Sorrel

   Ditto £10 1 black Horse £9 1 Ditto £9

} 40. 0. 0
1 Ditto Mare Colt £8 2 Ditto £5

  1 Old Horse 15/ 1 Ditto 20

} 14.15. 0
11 Cows & Calves @ 70/ £38.10 17 Cows @ 60   51 89.10. 0
21 Steers @ 80/ £84 7 Ditto @ £60/ £21. 7

     yearlings @ 25/ £8.15 1 pr Oxen £120

} 125.15. 0
73 Head of Sheep @ 9/ £32.17 84 Hoggs

    @ 20/ £34 3 Sows & Piggs @ 22/6 £3.7.6

} 70. 4. 6
22 Shoats @ 5/ £5.10 3 Beds, Bolster and

    Pillars £22.10 4 Ditto £18/ 1 Ditto £3

} 49. 0. 0
1 Cradle bed 15/ 5 Bedsteads 62/6 2 Do

  15/ 1 Ditto 15/ 1 Ditto 5

} 5.12. 6
90 lb Feathers @ 2/6 £11.5 5 pr Sheets £7.10

   2 pr Ditto £2.10 2 pr Ditto 30

} 22.15. 0
6 pr Sheets £3, 2 pr Ditto £1 1 pr Cradle Do

   5/ 5 pair Blanketts £6.5 3 pr Ditto £3

} 13. 5. 0
1 pr blanketts 15/ 2 Ditto 10/ 2 Ruggs 15

   2 Setts Beds Curtains 60

} 5. 0. 0
2 Cotton Counterpains 70/ 1 ditto 25/ 2 Do

   30/ 1 quilt 45/ 2 Ditto 30/ 1 Ditto 7/6

} 10. 7. 6
2 Quilts 80/ 3 Table Cloths 90/ 2 Ditto 45

   4 Ditto 15/ 3 Ditto 6/ 9 Ditto 72

} 15. 8. 0
4 pr Piller Cases 15/ 7 pr Ditto 15/ 6 Towels

   6/ 2 Napkins 3/ 5 Ditto 4/

} 2.13. 0
19 yds Furniture Check @ 3/ £2.17. 1 Ma

   hogany Chest of Draws £12

} 14.17. 0
1 Mahogany Side board £15 1 large

   Ditto Dining Table £6.10

} 21.10. 0
1 Ditto frame covered Marble Slab £10 1 Ditto

   Tea Table £4 1 pr Ditto card Tables £9.10

} 23.10. 0
2 Ditto arm chairs £5.10 10 Ditto Chairs £20

   2 Mahogany Dining Tables £9

} 34.10. 0
2 Mahy. Tables £6 1 Ditto Desk & Book Case £15

   1 Ditto Knife Case & 2 dble Doz. Knives & Forks 3.10

} 24.10. 0
2 Square Tables 30/ 1 Walnut table 30/ 2 Mahy

   arm chairs 50/ 12 Ditto chairs £10.10

} 16.00. 0
1 Compleat Sett china £8 1 Perryment

   Stand and 2 Doz. glasses 30

} 9.10.0
2 Doz. Wine Glasses 28/ 4 Goblets 10/ 1 Doz

   Tumblers 15/ 4 qt Decanters 30/

} 4.10. 0
6 Pint Decanters 30/ 1 Sett China 60/

   5 Coffee Cups and Saucers 4/

} 4.14. 0
3 Tumblers 3/9 2 Goblets 3/ 1 Gilted Tea

   Pot 5/ 1 Ditto Mugg 3/9 1 Ditto 3/9

} 19. 3
1 Sugar bowl 2/9 1 Cream Pott 1/3 1 China

   Bowl 12/ 1 Ditto 8/ 1 Small Ditto 3/

} 1. 7. 0
3 old china bowls 5/ 4 wine Glasses 4

   11 China Cups and saucers 18/

} 1. 7. 0
1 Small Tureen 3/9 1 Coffee Pott 4/ 1

   Ditto 1/ 2 pr Plated Candlesticks £8

} 8. 8. 9
1 plated Snuffer Stand & Snuffers 30/

   Sett Ovel plated Castors £5.10

} 7. 0. 0
4 Setts Window Curtains £16 2 neat

   Forrest Stoves £18/

} 34. 0. 0
2 large looking Glasses £14 1 Tortire

   Tea Tray 18/ 1 Ditto 8/ 1 Ditto 4/

} 15.10. 0
1 Doz. Prints £9 1 Doz. Ditto 4/ 1 Delph

   bowl 2/ 3 Ditto 3/ Tea pott 1/6

} 13. 6. 6
2 pint Muggs 1/4 1 qt Ditto 1/ 3 Glass

   Salts 3/ 1 Sugar bowl 1/

} 6. 4
1 Bread basket 4/6 1 Caster 7/6 1 Kife

   Tray 3/ 2 pr Candlesticks 20/

} 1.15. 0
1 China dish 7/6 1 Ditto 5/ 9 Ditto Plates 15/

   14 Green Edged Dishes 60/

} 4. 7. 6
3 doz. Green Edge Plates 18/ 10 Do Small

   3/ 1 Doz. white Ditto 2/6 16 Ditto 4/

} 1. 7. 6
1 Doz. white ware Dishes 30/ 1 Spice

   Box 2/6 1 leather Trunk 15/ 1 Ditto 7/6/

} 2.15. 0
2 Small old Trunks 5/ 15 Flagg Chairs

   7/6 4 large Soap Jars £4/3

} 6. 2. 6
6 Pewter Dishes 45/ 2 Doz. Plates 60/

   3 Dishes 15/ 4 old ditto 7/6

} 6. 7. 6
6 tin Sauce Panns 2/ 2 pepper boxes 9d

   4 - 1 Gallon Pewter Basons 30/

} 1.12.10
5 - 3 Qts Pewter Basons 30/ 11 - 2qt Do

   44/ 1 qt Ditto 2/6 1 Pint Ditto 1/6

} 3.18. 0
1 Porringer 6d 9 Spoons 2/ 1 large

   bell Mettle Skillett 40/ 1 small Do 15/

} 2.17. 6
1 Spice Morter 6/ 1 Iron Skillet 1/6 1 Do

   Tea Kittle 7/6 2 old Do 5/ 1 old Coffee pott 5/

} 1. 5. 0
2 tin candlesticks 2/6 8 Iron Potts £5.6.6

   1 Frying Pann 2/6 6 pr Pott Hooks 12/6

} 6. 3. 6
2 pr Sad Irons 10/ 1 Flesh fork 1/ 1 Iron

   Pott rack 3/9 1 Ditto ladle 1/3 1 Spit 2/6

} 18. 6
2 Earthen Pans 3/ 2 Chaffing dishes 10/

   1 nest wooden ware 7/6

} 1. 0. 6
3 old washing Tubs 6/ 1 churn 2/6 2 pig

   gins 2/ 2 Square pine Tables 20/ 2 Ditto 7/6

} 1.18. 0
1 pr Stillards 18/ 1 pr Pockett Ditto 12/6

   Top carriage and harness 30£

} 31.00. 6
Shakespare works 12 Vol 45/ Popes poems

   4 Vol. 15/ Ld Christopherfield letters 4 Vol 16/

} 3.16. 0
Telemachus 2 Vols. 8/ Paradise lost &

   gain'd 2 Vol. 8 Geographacal Grammer 12/

} 1. 8. 0
Watts Scripture History 4/ Exercise in

   elocution 2 Vol. 8/ 3 old books 6/

} 18. 0
Remarkable Trials 3/ History England

   6/ Tutor assistant 3/ Seasons 3/

} 15. 0
Death Abel 2/ Doct Gold Smith Poems

   3/ Commerce 4/ Farther lagacy 1/6

} 10. 6
1 large bible 25/ 1 Manuel 4/ every

   woman her own Phisician 12/

} 1.11. 0
Elegant Extracts 4/ 3 common Prayer

   Books 8/ Spectators 6 Vol 18/

} 1.10. 0
5 Plows 50/ 2 Ditto 15/ 3 Ditto 15/

   Grubbing Hoes 1/6 7 old Axes 1 Do broke 5

} 4.16. 6
9 old Hoes 10/ Plow Harness 15/. 4 Spades 20/

   1 - cut Saw 10/ 1 Pick Ax 2/6

} 2.17. 6
1 Handsaw 5/. 1 mattax 5/ 1 auger 1/

   1 Cart £5 1 Ditto £4 1 wheat Fann £3

}  12.11. 0
2 Ox yokes & chains 24/ 4 beehives 30/

  4 butter Potts 15/ 3 Ditto 10/

} 3.19. 0
3 Butter Potts 7/6 9 ditto 18/ 5 - 2 Gallons

   Juggs 15/ 1 Gallon Ditto 1/6

} 2. 2. 0
25 bottles wine 75/ 1 case 5/ 31 qt bottles 5/

   1 Butter Pott 1/ 1 pr andirons 15/

} 5. 1. 0
1 pr andirons 12/ 1 pr Ditto 3/9 1 Sett Fire

   Irons 10/ 1 pr Tongs and Shovel 5/ 1 Shovel 1/6

} 1.12. 3
100 lb Wool @ 1/6 £7.10 30 lb Hard Soap 22/6

   1 country cloth Carpet 50/ 1 Ditto 30/

} 12.12. 6
1 Kedminster carpett £10 8 qrs Paper 10/

   5 Tea Cannisters 5/ 2 large Ditto 7/6

} 11. 2. 6
1 Plated warmer 7/6 11 old Prints 6/ 18

   reap Hooks 18/ 1 large looking Glass £5

} 6.11. 6
1 looking Glass £4 3 Ditto Small 7/6

    1 Pine Chest 3/6

} 4.11. 0
1 brush 1/6 2 Razors and Strop 5/ 1 Decanter

   3/9 1 Ditto 2/6 1 Doz. buttons 2/

} 14. 9
1 Oz. Calomel 2/6 1 oz Tarter 2/ 2 lb Glauber

   Salts 4/ 1 lb beeswax 1/6

} 10. 0
17 Raw Hides £8 10 2 Calf Ditto 5/ 1 pine

   chest 7/6 2 Boys old Saddles 15/

} 9.17. 6
3 Pewter Potts 15/ 1 Earthen Ditto 1/6 1

   Spy Glass 45/ 1 Doz. old Knives & forks 2/6

}  3. 4. 0
2 Bottles mustard 2/ 10 Phials 1/6

   1 Hand Mill £3 1 Ditto £5

} 8. 3. 6
7 Hhds Herrings @ 35 £12.5 4 Barrels

   Ditto 48/ 5 Empty Barrels 15/

} 15. 8. 0
6 Cyder HHds 30/ 12 lb Iron 4/ 3 Flower

   Potts 2/ 6 oz Prusian blue 12/ 9 lb Candles 11/3

} 2. 9. 3
1 Gunn 10/ 1 Chest 20/ 7 Sides leather 70/

   4 old linnen Wheels 30/

} 6.15. 0
2 old Woolen Wheels 12/6 1 pair cotton

   cards 2/6 a parcel Iron chains 40/

} 2.15. 0
4 old leather collars 10/ ¼ part of a Sein

   & ropes £12.10 1 old small Sein 40/

} 15. 0. 0
1 old boat 40/ Saddle and bridle 60/

  72 Geese @ 1/6 £5.8

} 10. 8. 0
32 oz. Silver Plates @ 8/7   13. 6. 8
Lumber   5. 0. 0
    £ 2619.10.10

Thomas Clagett    \_  Brothers to the late Mr. William Clagett
Nathal. Clagett     /
John Fraser Bowie  \_ Creditors Hezekiah Wheeler Philip Marshall
William Marshall     /
Prince Georges County to wit   |_ Came Harriot Clagett Admx of William Clagett late of Said County Deceased and made
 June 28th 1790                       |  Oath.


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Copyright © 2005-2017
W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.